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In Memory

David Scott (Buzz) Hanks

David Scott (Buzz) Hanks

Scott died Jaunary 3, 2025 after a series if strokes.

The following information was received from a family member. "Just wanted to let everyone know that on January 3, 2025, my dad David Scott Buzz Hanks passed away peacefully following a series of strokes and seizures. We are working on plans for services and will post an update later. Heaven has a bit more rhythm because there is a new drummer in the house!"

This is Scott's entry in the 20 Year Reunion Book.

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01/12/25 05:23 PM #1    

Val D. Christianson

Sorry to hear about Scott. He was a good friend to all. I am glad he passed on my birthday so I will always him as a dear friend. Condolences to all.

Love, Val and Janae Christianson 


01/15/25 05:19 PM #2    

Will (C. William) Crowther

I'm sorry to hear about Buzz's passing. Though my memories of him are few, they are all good. My condolences to lhis family.

01/15/25 11:16 PM #3    

Mike K. Richards

Sorry & surprised to hear of Buzz's passing. I last saw him at our 40th reunion. My thoughts and condolences to his family and loved ones.

01/16/25 11:55 AM #4    

Gary L. Vogt

Buzz and I were best friends for 50 years.  I looked him up in 1970 and showed him my Road Runner and found out he was painting cars.  After I got out of the Air Force in 1976 and started back to school, I worked with him in his paint shop(s) off and on from 1977 to 1982 when I moved to California.  I learned a lot about car painting from Buzz.  We even rode motorcycles together to the dismay of his, then, wife Kathy.  

Over the years, after I started working at Edwards AFB as a Propulsion Engineer, I would talk to Buzz almost everyday.  We went to a Grumman Fly-in in Baraboo, WI in May 2004.  We came back by way of Auburn, CA and I showed him around the town I wanted to live in.  He moved to Auburn in July 2004 and I moved in with him in Jan 2005.  He was a lot of fun.  We flew many places together.  We had great times playing music trivia at the Club Car in Old Town Auburn (Note:  He liked Pistol Pete's better than the Club Car).  We were in the Club Car in 2005, and watched on the big screen TV as hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans.

After he moved to Twin Falls in 2006, I only saw him a couple of times.  He stayed with Clytie and me in 2015 for a few days.  Sometime after that, I couldn't reach him.  I tried to find him or contact beginning in 2016.  I had heard he had a stroke sometime around 2018.  No one seemed to know where he was or what happened to him.  

I was with Buzz when he got hit by a '65 Pontiac Bonneville on 20th East and 27th South.  We were both just 14 years old. We often walked to school together or walked home together.  I knew all of his wives.  Oh, the stories I could tell.  

I'll miss you , Buzzer.


01/17/25 09:01 PM #5    

Terry G. McQueen

very sorry to hear about Buzz. I remember taking hunter safety course together with him and Kathy.

01/18/25 05:35 PM #6    

Linda Adams (DeVore)

Sorry to hear that Scott has passed. Condolences to his family. Another great Highlander! 

01/20/25 10:29 AM #7    

Leslie (Les ) Udy

Oh my. Sorry to see you go Buzz!! You were one of a kind. Great memories of you in both Junior high as well as Highland. One of the FUNEST guys that I have ever been associated with. Rest Easy Bud.

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